Jesus is the focus of our worship, the reason for our ministry, and the motivation for our love. (John 14:6)
As believers we are called to serve the Body of Christ and the lost world around us. Our purpose is the discipleship of new believers, sharing the gospel and glorifying our Savior above all. (Mark 9:35)
As faithful stewards of the gospel, we are obedient to give our tithes and offerings to further the work of the church and the advancement of the Kingdom of God in our communities and around the world. (Malachi 3:10)
We do what we say we will do. Our yes is yes, our no is no. (Matthew 5:37)
Our primary mission is to win the lost and equip believers both at home and around the world. (Matthew 28:19,20)
We are a multi-denominational fellowship of believers, from diverse backgrounds, bound together, as one Body, in the name of Jesus, by the work of the ministry and by the vision of our pastor. (Acts 20:28)